Terms and Conditions


The terms and conditions listed below govern how our website, https://naukrikibaat.com/, which can be accessed at https://naukrikibaat.com/, is used by you.

These terms will be strictly adhered to and have an impact on how you use this website. You agreed to accept all of the terms and conditions listed here by using this website. If you disagree with any of these Website Standard Terms and Conditions, you may not use this website. The Terms and Conditions Sample Generator was used to create these terms and conditions.

Users under the age of 18 are not permitted to use this website.

Rights to intellectual property

Except for the content you own, which you retain ownership of, under these Terms, the entire intellectual property rights and contents in this Website are owned by NaukrikiBaat and/or its licensors.

You are only given a restricted license so that you can see the content on this website.


  • You are expressly prohibited from doing the following:
  • Distributing any website content in any other form of media;
  • Selling, subleasing, and/or otherwise making Website content available for commercial use;
  • Displaying or performing any Website content in public;
  • Use this website in any kind that could harm it;
  • Utilizing this website in a manner that restricts user access in any way;
  • Using this website in a way that is illegal or otherwise harmful to anyone or any business organization, the website, or the law;
  • Using this website for any data mining, data harvesting, data extraction, or similarly related activities; using this website for any marketing or advertising purposes.

You are not permitted to access some portions of this website, and NaukrikiBaat reserves the right to further restrict your access to any area of this website at any time and for any reason. You are required to keep any user ID and password you may have for this website private and secret.

Input from You

Any audio, video, text, photos, or other content that you choose to show on this website is referred to as “Your Content” in these Website Standard Terms and Conditions. By displaying Your Content, you authorize NaukrikiBaat to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate, and distribute it in any and all media. This license is non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, and sublicensable.

Your Content must be original to you and must not violate the rights of any third parties. Any of Your Content may be removed from this website at any time and without prior notice at the discretion of NaukrikiBaat.

Zero guarantees

NaukrikiBaat expressly disclaims any representations and guarantees with regard to this website and the materials contained in it. This website is supplied “as is,” with all defects. Furthermore, nothing on this website can be taken as advice for you.

Restrictions on liability

Neither NaukrikiBaat nor any of its officers, directors, or employees shall, in any case, be liable for anything resulting from or linked in any way to your use of this website, whether such liability is based on contract or otherwise.  You agree that NaukrikiBaat, its officers, directors, and employees are not responsible for any indirect, special, or consequential damages resulting from or connected to your use of this website.


You hereby fully defend, indemnify, and hold NaukrikiBaat harmless from and against any and/or all liabilities, charges, demands, causes of action, damages, and expenditures resulting from your violation of any of these Terms.


If any term in these terms is determined to be unlawful under any relevant legislation, that term will be eliminated without affecting the remaining terms.

Different Terms

By using this Website, you agree that NaukrikiBaat may amend these Terms at any time as it deems fit. As a result, you should check these Terms frequently.


Without prior notice, The NaukrikiBaat is free to transfer, assign, and subcontract its rights and/or obligations under these Terms to any party. You may not, however, delegate, transfer, or otherwise deal with any of your rights or responsibilities under these Terms in any other manner.

Complete Agreement

These Terms replace all prior agreements and understandings with respect to your use of this Website and represent the complete understanding between you and NaukrikiBaat.

The law that Will Apply & Jurisdiction

The laws of the State of in will govern these Terms and their interpretation, and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts for the purpose of resolving any disputes.